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Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

In the afternoon after Alligator Lake we went to O’Leno State Park.

I had on the 10-22mm, so here are my scenery shots.

cypress and sante fe

shady swamp


Mike took the creature shots, and processed the photos.

This aligator lazily entered the water and swam around us in Ogden Lake, one of the places that the water from the Sante Fe surfaces.


This might be a southern toad. Or it might not.


Where the Santa Fe River first goes underground, there is a slow circular current which rotates the logs that the turtles sun on. One of the logs in the deep shade had a large alligator hanging with the turtles.


We watched this wasp (Thread-waisted Wasp family?) carry a caterpillar several times its size near where we were watching the turtles. It set the caterpillar down and then began hunting around in the sand. And hunted some more. Finally, the wasp uncovered its hole and hauled the caterpillar into the darkness.


Meanwhile, I spotted a large mosquito on Mike and swatted while he was changing lenses, which almost lost the lovely 100mm.



As evening approached, we headed back on the trail that appeared to be heading most directly towards the parking area. A ranger came by in his truck and told us to take the other trail, which looked no more official or labeled.

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dragonflies and snakes
Sunday, November 10th, 2013

The morning after walking around Ellaville, we made another visit to Alligator Lake Park. We usually walk the main loop, but this time we chose the straight out and back trail into the middle of the lake. Mike did the photo conversions.

We saw fewer butterflies but were surrounded by dragonflies (Mike’s picture, then mine).


On some barren trees, nearly ever branch had a dragonfly resting on it.


These green-eyed bees were all over the place too (Mike’s then mine).



This (boat tailed?) grackle was doing its best to attract attention.


red-winged blackbird

flash of red


white chin

green anole and damselfly by Mike



a poor marsh rabbit with a tick


magnolia blooming (Mike’s)


Taking a second trail into the darker, swampier regions, we were spied by a pair of river otters who then swam off.

peeking out from water plants

Mike halted us when he saw a rattlesnake across our intended path. We chose another way to walk.


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some hiding spots are better than others
Monday, October 14th, 2013

Mike found this tiny ring-necked snake hiding under our front doormat last week.


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the bridges of Ellaville
Monday, October 14th, 2013

In late May we took a three day trip up to North Florida. The roadsides were carpetted in vibrant oranges, pinks and reds. Unfortunately, the wildflowers only liked the places that were disturbed by humans but not mowed regularly, so when we stopped at a rest area, there were no flowers to take pictures of, and the parks we visited weren’t their ideal habitat either.

On the east bank where US 90 crosses the Suwannee, Suwanee River State Park sits at the site of the town of Columbus, established in 1841 (1). “A visitor to Columbus in late 1843 described the town as having two large stores and other mercantile establishments that bought cotton from surrounding counties.” At the time the town had around 500 residents, but

By 1873, however, Columbus had dried up as markets shifted and financial depression hit the United States until only one store remained in the town. The final demise of Columbus became inevitable when George F. Drew, first post-Reconstruction governor of Florida, built a sawmill at his newly established town of Ellaville close to his home across the river in Madison County. (2)

The Columbus Post Office was moved across the river to Ellaville in 1867. but the new town did not prosper for long either. “Ellaville flourished as long as yellow pine lasted. It declined after 1900 and ceased to exist when the Post Office closed in 1942.” (3)

There are three bridges today crossing the Suwannee right next to either other. The railway bridge was defended by “an earthworks mound built during the Civil War to defend the railroad crossing that supplied confederate troops. The Battle of Olustee in February 1864 turned back Union forces heading west to destroy this bridge.” (1) The middle bridge, built as part of the coast-to-coast Old Spanish Trail Highway in 1925-26 and now called Old US 90, ran alongside the old sand road (also called Old Spanish Trail) that was the previous main east-west road through Ellaville.

the four-span through truss bridge is one of the last truss spans surviving along the Old Spanish Trail, and the only one in Florida. Just a year after its construction, a massive flood deluged Ellaville, halting traffic for more than ten days.

The Suwannee River Park Store just west of the river dates to the Old Spanish Trail period. Roadside entrepreneur Henry Charles Noegel constructed the concrete store in 1928. There he operated a Gulf filling station, store, café and post office. Nearby, Noegel’s famous Camp Suwannee, a “campground for vacationists and travelers,” offered free campsites and cottages. Though today without windows or doors, because of its solid construction the former store still stands. (4)

There is a map of Ellaville from the time of the new paved highway and Noegel’s store at the kiosk where the Drew Mansion Ruins Trail and the Florida Trail intersect.

Pictures from Florida Memory (Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services):
View of Ellaville with Drew sawmill at right (1884)

Railroad bridge between Madison and Suwannee counties in the 1880’s

Labeled as Hillman Bridge, but I believe this is the earlier bridge that the Hillman Bridge replaced (Mike’s guess is circa 1915)

Hillman Bridge over the Suwannee River (1927)

Flooding of the Suwannee and Withlacoochee Rivers at railroad depot – Ellaville, Florida (Aug 1928)

Flooding of the Suwannee and Withlacoochee Rivers at the Hillman Bridge (1928) – Center span of the Hillman Bridge between Madison and Suwannee Counties at Ellaville was dry, but the highway and railroad tracks on the approaches were covered with flood water. Flooding caused all traffic to be stopped for ten days.

The Hillman Bridge was replaced in 1986 by the current US 90 bridge. Although closed to vehicles, pedestrians can still cross it.


Looking from the Hillman bridge to the railroad bridge (Mike’s)

railroad bridge


Although the Suwannee River Park Store building still stands, it’s now abandoned. It appears that its last incarnation was as a restarauant, River 90. There is very little else left to mark that this place was once a thriving town of around 1000 people. There are pieces of bricks scattered in the under brush, but the forest has reclaimed pretty much everything. Part of the Drew Mansion Ruins Trail follows the sand Old Spanish Trail:


Mike’s creature pictures:



We actually never saw the Drew Mansion Ruins, which were burned in 1970. The caretaker of the park later told us that we should have turned off the trail at the picnic table, and he also told us where the trail to the old springs was. At the end of the trail, we did find the old cemetery. These two said “Mary Amelia daughter of ? Brush born Mar 15, 1873 died Apr 4 187?” and “John Clay Thomas Died Dec 28 1890 aged 42Ys1Mo&20Dys.”


The cemetery was guarded by a skull-painted spider (Arrowshaped Micrathena) (Mike’s)


(1) Suwannee River State Park Brochure
(2) A brief history of Suwannee County
(3) Florida Historical Marker at Ellaville
(4) Drive the Old Spanish Trail Highway – Florida

And Mike did the photo conversions.

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Sunday, October 13th, 2013

There were lots of critters around the two story observation deck at the edge of Sawgrass Lake in mid May. Pretty much all of them were best captured with the 100-400mm, so these are all Mike’s pictures, and he did the conversion as well.



marsh rabbit


green heron with young alligator behind


one of a pair of Black-Necked Stilts


I’d think this tactic of flying right above the water with its lower mandible scooping through the water at Sawgrass would yield more water plants than anything else, but we watched this Black Skimmer successfully catch a good sized fish by tracing through the more open tracks in the lake.


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Butterflies at Alderman’s Ford Preserve
Sunday, September 15th, 2013

The road to the parking area for Alderman’s Ford Preserve is paved, though nearly one lane wide for the last stretch past the 4 way stop sign. The parking area is grass, with some morning shade available. There is lots of shade when the trail is near the river, but to get there one has to pass through large open fields. This park would be too parching to visit in summer. Our visit was on a breezy later morning in early May, before the mosquitoes had gotten to replenish their numbers. The open fields had beggar-tick, passion flowers and what we think is sea radish, an invasive, and tons of butterflies, including several rare or new to us. Mike did the photo conversions.


checked white male above (Mike’s), female below. I think their spots, especially on the male, looks like lipstick marks

male checked white

female checked white

great southern white, on sea radish or something similar

great southern white

variegated fritillary


queen (Mike’s)


white or common checkered skipper (Mike’s)

checkered skipper

rattlebox moths like to land on the underside of grasses. We chased this one around trying to get a decent picture.


The “NO SWIMMING” signs at the parking area insinuate better access, but the Alafia river has carved a fairly deep channel (for Florida) and the only access to it from the western part of the trail system is down a very steep bank. The river has a few small rapids, which is unusual for Florida. A ranger with an ATV was putting out a campfire on the trail when we reached the river. There is no camping allowed in the park. It looked like there was quite a party going on with all of the beer cans strewn around.

Continuing past the impromptu campsite there was some prickly pear blooming (this and following two Mike’s)

prickly pear and bee

and also an eastern fence lizard

lizard eye

a skipper, maybe a clouded skipper


At the western most end of the trail is the remains of the brick foundation for a railway trestle bridge, being taken back by the forest.


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