“Inglis Island was developed as part of the construction of the Inglis Lock and Barge Canal during the 1960’s.”(FSP) It was intended to be part of a cross Florida canal system that met resistance from environmental advocates, and eventually was turned into a greenway.
This is new land then, and not always public. There are decaying bits from previous uses. Mike took the trees and hunting table picture and converted the photos for this post.
We also noticed several remnants from hunting of the non-human variety this trip. Mike took the jaw bone picture.
Deer moss? by Mike.
While I looked up, Mike looked down. We heard the trumpets of the sandhill cranes first before they came into view. This was the largest flock of them that we’ve seen.
There were fewer butterflies than our previous visit, but still many fluttering about.
Either a long tailed or dorantes skipper.
Satyr with its wings open.
The rest of these are Mike’s.
Gemmed Satyr
Green lynx spider guarding its catch. And watching with many eyes.
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