manatee watching « verdure
manatee watching
Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

Blue Spring is a beautiful place, with clear blue water and oaks dripping over the spring run. The manatees we saw there were keeping as far as possible from the throng of humans crowding along the viewing platforms. I could tell that they weren’t submerged logs, but that was about it. Lee County’s Manatee Park, on the other hand, is an industrial canal filled by the warm exhaust water from the nearby power plant. The park’s website said there were 20-30 there the day in early March when we visited. The fenced trail along the canal lets humans be fairly close to the manatees. Although the dark water kept the manatees hidden until they came close to the surface, there were many of them and they were close enough to see their cute snouts and see the scars on some of their backs.

mother and pup

The rest are Mike’s pictures, and he did the processing.

pup snout

Visitors aren’t allowed in or on the canal, but there are several plaques presenting information about manatees and a speaker that plays sounds picked up by an underwater microphone for when the manatees are vocalizing. There was a possible rescue going on for a manatee that seemed to be having trouble surfacing while we were there.

Though only 17 acres, Manatee Park also has several mini habitats and lots of different kinds of birds. There were volunteers clearing away weeds in the butterfly garden while we were there.

We were thrilled to see a painted bunting on the bank of the canal.

painted bunting

Gray catbird, related to mockingbirds and they are the similarly aware of people.





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