blossom « verdure
Sunday, June 26th, 2011

It’s been several years since I’ve been in Eastern Washington, and the first time that I’ve gotten to go on several outings with a good camera. Visiting in late May, it was a cool wet spring, with the rivers very high, in some places closing roads. The lilacs were only just starting, but there were so many other flowers already in bloom. Many of them I’d never identified before, although Mom knows many of their names.

First, from Mom’s garden, apple and blueberry:


antique blue

In or near Little Pend Oreille NWR

Serviceberry also make editable fruit.


Solomon’s Seal needs moist soil. It’s more common on the coast than inland.

solomon seal

Arrowleaf Balsamroot. I’ve always thought they were such cheerful flowers. They get fuller flowers and leaves on bright, arid hillsides.

arrowleaf balsamroot

Shooting star in front of a very full waterfall.

shooting star

Wild sweet William, a type of phlox.

sweet william

And in Turnbull NWR

Camas lilies, growing in fields in several places I visited.

camas lily

Douglas’ Brodiaea, another lily.

douglas' brodiaea

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