leopards « verdure
Thursday, October 27th, 2011

In the latter part of September, right after a rain, we visited Weedon Island Preserve. Near the first trail entrance, we saw two osprey in a dead tree.

fish hawks

While I was taking pictures of the osprey, Mike noticed a little frog hidden in the weeds beside the road. I believe this was the first frog we’d seen at this park. Mike took a picture so we could try to identify it later. We started down the trail and almost immediately found another much larger frog. Mike took this picture as well, in between the fairly dense underbrush.

leopard eye

It turns out that this day, Weedon was overrun by these leopard frogs. Most of them we only noticed as they made huge leaps into the water beside the path. And we must have only noticed a fraction of the true number of frogs surrounding us.


green and orange

We saw two of these immature yellow crowned night herons.

night heron

Bill, the brave mangrove tree crab, pausing on the boardwalk. Usually, these dart out of sight while we are quite far away, and even when you do see them, they usually are in very low light areas.


A green anole with blue dusted skin.

green and blue

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